What is Henna

Below are a few interesting artilces the henna henna and related products:

Tips for the primary care henna

Henna gives a different look to different people. Darkness with henna and body chemistry, temperature and body parts. Henna body art is not an exact science. With the presence of many differences, all places in different ways. Hands and feet, with drier skin, patches, and a lot darker than the skin soft shoulders and back.

Upon receipt of the application of henna, it is necessary to ensure to get the best results. The following are some guidelines that extends the art of henna aftercare. Using these tips will see more and take the maximum extent possible.

Before you apply henna tips

¤ Always sit in a comfortable position to rearrange itself to avoid. ¤ avoid a lot of coffee or soda, because the caffeine in these drinks will strengthen your hand to shake. ¤ henna dye is strong, and can ruin clothes. So try not to get henna on their clothes. ¤ Even if it is everywhere textile henna, immediately wash with soap and water. ¤ drying henna crust normally. Henna is not for dry skin. Henna ¤ never black. This gives a red to brown spots, which will last from about 5-10 days.

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