The wind, waves, and make the sun shine hair with golden highlights as they lazy walks on the beach. She was a girl from the university study holiday. Here, with her friends, she had all her radiant shades of blond, and thin lines long strawberry blond, platinum blond, red and light brown on average give the appearance of being au natural, but with the cost of refining in the hundreds of dollars. Every day, millions of women in the salon to have their choice of films. This is part of their lives. In that it sets the budget and realize that they are women, high-maintenance. Coloring hair is not an option but a necessity in their lives. If serving more than 2 or 3 times a year, and the designer / painter is a close friend as she shares the story of her life.

For your hair to raise the level of one or five, depending on the color of your hair natural. If you have a dark blond, you can easily mix of Paint formula for your hair several shades lighter to lift without the use of bleach.

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