Diamonds are not as rare as many people think, it is certainly not the rarest of precious stones - that honor goes to the rubies - but they are the hardest. They are rare, diamonds direct correlation with the concepts of love and wealth can look back on a successful meeting in New York between the Harry Oppenheimer, chairman of North West Ayer & Son to follow, and Jerrold M.. Locke, in September 1938. Harry Oppenheimer was the son of the founder of the company that would become the most successful organization in the twentieth century - De Beers Limited, a mining company in South Africa in 1888, during the nascent local Diamond Rush. Formed during and subsequent years, the De Beers successfully acquire many interests in the diamond mines and production facilities all over the world.

Kentucky. There is an account of diamonds from Russell County. It weighs just over 0.43 carats. The octahedron. She is bright, almost white, with a touch of yellow. Was found in the field of gravel at the top of the hill. There is a theory in an advanced stage. Diamonds may be formed in peridotite from the state of Kentucky. News ... Sweet smell of the country blue grass. They do not say whether rough or cut stones. I think we cut. But do not rush off to Ohio to have the mining tools. Wait until I get some more information. I will send you all the map ... Of the state of Ohio, of course.

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