It weighs fifty-eight carats. The color of high quality. What will bring? As rough ... About 340 thousand U.S. dollars. Perhaps a little more. This money will be mine two weeks ... Then that all there is to it. The last best can be found soon. This company has 800 employees in the average gross salary of 20 and only by working together for weeks. If you are the salaries of engineers and other support staff ... Supervisors, etc., and the cost of fuel and machinery ... We have a little of my own who live closer to heaven as one can get on my ... Costs about $ 150,000 in the week. Diamonds and one month, clearly, did not bear fruit. The Jstep enormous. Mine needs to sort through three to four tonnes of kimberlite - the material was found the diamond - with the aim of a single carat of diamonds to find out.

In the prestigious U.S. magazine Advertising Age, in the 1999 edition in January, called "a diamond is forever", the most famous and effective slogan of the twentieth century. Today, diamond engagement rings daily, but if it were not for one company, and its efforts to control the diamond industry, history has taken a different turn.

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