Temporary tattoos, such as those found on the skin with a damp cotton ball, and disappear after a few days of the application. And contains many color additives approved for cosmetic use on the skin. However, the Authority received reports on the sensitivity to some temporary tattoos. Import alert is in effect for several foreign made temporary tattoos. According to Consumer Safety Officer Allen Halper of the Office of the Food and Drug Administration, cosmetics, colors, and temporary tattoos subject to the import alert are not allowed in the United States because they lack the necessary elements of a declaration on the label or they contain colors not permitted for use in cosmetics applied to the the skin.

Henna, a color made from plants and is approved for use only as a hair dye, not for direct application to the skin, as is the case in the body known as the process of decorating the wedding site. These non-approved use of color additives makes these products adulterated and therefore illegal. Import alert is in effect for henna intended for use on the skin. The organization had received reports of injuries in the skin products that are being marketed as henna.

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