Update, May 2003: The families are still concerned about the transmission of hepatitis B and C of the tattoos that do not use proper sterilization techniques. I did some research here in Florida, as we have many facilities tattoos. They follow the guidelines of State for sterilization, and neither spoke to was aware of any cases of transmission of infection because of their work. If you decide to tattoo, and choice in the first place. For more information about the transmission of hepatitis, hepatitis A, B and C, see "Introduction of hepatitis" article and video of famous doctors. Stay informed. Check the "hepatitis C, and B be ignored. Based on the 2x4 inch "Digital Tattoo Interface" is a Bluetooth device made of thin, flexible silicon and silicon. Is inserted through a small incision in the tube is tightly rolled, and then develop under the skin between the skin and muscles in the game.

Through the same incision, two small tubes on the device connected to the artery and vein blood flow to the coin-sized blood fuel cell that prevent glucose and oxygen to produce electricity. After the flow of blood from the artery to the fuel cell, has emerged again through a vein.

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