As I say, there are a lot of care after a tattoo. Make sure you're fully informed by the tattoo artist before you. Antibiotic ointment should be used, you can buy over the counter, but the tattoo artist should tell you how to take care of it before you get it. Otherwise, leave and go somewhere else. There are sites on the Internet that tell you how to help the tattoo heal correctly. Decide if you really want one, talk with your parents about the decision. You may have one or two themselves they do not want her to set up. To listen to their point of view and see what they say, and perhaps it is just a surprise. And temporary tattoos today really sold, and a lot more fun because they come from when you want. Be careful, take some time to reflect on this resolution. And remember, many of the girls and boys find tattoos a turn! This article is dedicated to factual information, are not intended to encourage or discourage your choice of tattoo in old age.

FYI: Scientists at the Center for Disease Control and investigate the possibility of a link between tattoos and the hole and infectious liver disease called viral hepatitis. (See our hepatitis B under section through sexual contact.

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