Dermabrasion is another means of transport, which involves the freezing of the skin, then sanding the surface with the abrasive tool. Because the pigments are located in the middle of the skin, pain, bleeding and / or discomfort can be expected.

Finishing to remove a tattoo with acid solution and creating a scar in the place. Salabrasion is a similar procedure, but requires the application of article by irritating sand. This position is 30 to 60 minutes depending on the location and size of the tattoo. Laser treatment, which is amplify light by stimulated emission of radiation, is a popular way to get rid of them. Effectiveness depends on the pigment is required. These instruments emit highly focused light beams which break the pigment particles, which evaporate after that. Laser treatment can alleviate many of the tattoo, easier and more effective than others. Several visits in general, and over weeks or months required, and treatment can be expensive. Some people suffer a lack of pigmentation - Reduction of natural skin color - in the affected area. Laser treatment can also lead to tattoo pigments to change the shade less than desirable.

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