Bead necklaces (a symbol of prestige), and decorated "ketoh '(bow guards), and conch / Concho probably from repeated victories, Spanish and Pueblo neighbors. The Navajo were in constant contact with - some hostile, some friendly - with the Spanish because they are populated in the southwest of the late 16th. Of these people, the Indians placed great appreciation for personal decoration. Some designs Spanish as early as inspired by the Moorish crescent and the pomegranate blossom became key to Navajo jewelry design. Will discuss this matter later in the chapter on the origin squash flower necklace. Over time, and Spanish-dominant in the region. Despite the continuing raids in the 19th century the term best described as "suspicious coexistence caution." Had a 200 plus years of close cooperation and better exchange of different cultures. Because they were dressed and Navajo jewelry is obtained from those that occupied them and their trading partners. These ornaments made of German silver (a copper, nickel, zinc and dust that was cloudy and bore well), copper, and to a lesser extent, silver.

I learned to appreciate and cherish their symbols and their wealth. Navajos in the early 'wearing a cross or crescent-Naga in the form of a series of raw hides and may have been an ornament of beauty and pride, and not an expression of appreciation for the Christian, or to influence the Moors in Spain.

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