There are many reasons that women get artificial nails. They can be that women with long manicured nails that have not previously. Some people find it increasingly difficult for their nails, and this may be due to wear, is also active in life and malnutrition or poor nails only. With the simplicity of artificial nails, you can pretty nails or nails grow your `real 'or not.

Many women like the idea that they can control how their nails look. There is no longer there to drink eight glasses of milk a day, or constantly filing away at the nails in the hope to grow and appear to be in good health. With artificial nails is no need for more! Fair salon, ... and leave It `s really that simple!

There are a few different types of nail art to choose from. Some people prefer one over the other because of the nature of activities involving, for example, someone who can play sports to choose the most powerful artificial nails.

The first type is a sculptured nail. It uses acrylic, gel or fiberglass that is applied to the nails. The question is extended and sculpted on metal or foil. Can then be placed on the surface of the nail issued.

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