Operating costs for a diamond mine One question is certainly a heavy burden and relentlessly over the heads of the readers of stories - and any other respiratory problems in men - and this certainly is: Is there a cost to set against the site when it comes to running a diamond mine? In other words ... Is more or less the cost of diamonds in the Valley to work at peak times? The answer to this puzzle is tempting to make a difference. The reason is in the final product. Unlike gold or iron or copper or lead ... We do not need a huge karting facilities such as railways and pipelines for the shipment of the proceeds of the day. Hundred million dollars of product that weighs only a few pounds at most ... And can be disposed of in a light aircraft.

South Africa. Ground for lion, tiger, leopard and diamonds. We have this jewel is in good company. Ten thousand feet above the mountains Lesothan, We, the heads directly to the plane of a mountain. Thick fog hangs in the air. Suddenly, the second minute of what is undoubtedly destined for a crash on the runway, it seems we are in contact with the ground a small hill. Brigadoon? As well as ... Close but no cigar. We are in Letseng - Los Angeles - the Terai - the highest diamond mine in the world. We are on the roof of Africa. Welcome my friends. Let's more than walking, and we will be? On the side of the mountain is a square tower - Castle of iron that have been achieved through the fog.

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