Henna Tattoo Kits

Henna comprehensive set has everything you need for exotic non-permanent body art in an attempt to draw a tattoo. Traditional wedding site is located on the hands and feet, but can also be applied in other areas such as arms trafficking, and perhaps as a link in the leg, around the navel, neck, or anywhere he wants.

One of the secrets of life henna tea is hot, which is added to a mixture of henna. Henna tea with herbs and spices to give food, deep color, a delicious taste and excellent consistency. In addition, other important components of the groups and henna tattoos, and plastic cones, as cajeput mix butter and lavender, henna powder, sugar / citric acid solution, a bottle of liquid erosion, and pin, respectively, Q tips, toothpicks, mixing stick, cotton balls. Many of this group henna contains instructions and the design and concept paper.

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