Henna Stencils

Henna is a template included, or cardboard and plastic, with this message, or design is required spare henna paste that can be used for reconstruction under the surface. Pictures of the beheading of the plates, which are placed on a flat surface, and put henna paste with a brush more than that. Henna tattoo stencils, and are usually made of rubber or plastic, can be washed and reused by the application of henna paste.There are some great stencils and henna tattoos, which are ideal and the focus on design, which can then continue.

 Some of these are great this purpose, the upper back, lower back and chest structures. Great selection round, heavenly, and the Celtic team stereotypes available. There is a very nice tattoo stencils, which can be used for the determination of the parties, bracelet, bracelets, and cuffs emphasis only.

Stencil is very easy to use. Clean the surface of the skin, where they will be applied. Then apply the stencil, make sure it meets the skin taut. Any bags that do not adhere to the skin will spoil the design. Then apply a paste of henna in open areas where the skin is exposed in the template. If the dough is dry, and remove the stencil.

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