Even when ordering online and I had never heard of the seller, check its reputation with the Better Business Bureau or the Office of the Attorney General. When you shop, ask the dealer to write anything can count on the purchase. Before you buy, ask about payment for shopping and return policies. When ordering online to keep the print web pages with details about the transaction, including refund and return policies if you are not satisfied. The Federal Trade Commission has some additional tips for shoppers that are in the jewelry market for gold, watches, precious stones, pearls and diamonds.

There is a big difference between 14 karat gold and gold jewelry. Fourteen karat (14K) containing 14 pieces of jewelry of gold, mixed in throughout with 10 parts of base metal. Description of the jewelry plated with a layer of at least 10K gold bonded to the base metal. Gold plating eventually wears away, depending on how often worn on this item is and how thick is the paint.

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