My brother noticed my wrist and I think me strange all my actions over the years, he noted how it looked Line Printer Nawras left in the sand. I laughed and I told him that the Chinese bamboo. He did not ask me: ' Bamboo? Why are you yourself a tattoo of the word bamboo? that is so lame! "I went on to say:" Because bamboo is strong and flexible and as strong as I would like bamboo. " I knew that this statement only confuse the younger brother eighteen months, but I wanted to be honest anyway. Did not have the symbols I have chosen to encode at a later time in the skin, but I think it is beginning to realize that the messages were for me is not necessarily understood by others.

Through my Jintao henna tattoo, I expressed my belief in a healthy way to understand my faith. Although I am no longer a tattoo myself, and I feel that this method of positive learning religious journey, but he is talking way my physical body in the form of art is beautiful.

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