In 1970, the Time magazine as one of the first national publications in this direction as part of an overview of the San Francisco tattoo artist Il Tuttle, and the design of a paper on the singer Janis Joplin and members of the Rolling Stones was drawn national attention. The art, and tattooing has been traced back 4000 years to the Egyptians," Time reported. In contemporary times, "They have weapons and adorn the chest of the sailors, construction workers and Roustabout. Now, after a decade or two decades of decline, and tattoos and the Renaissance, they are the anti-fashion."

This trend - the spread of popular tattoo-educated women in affluent suburban communities - is one of the most striking aspects of the new ideas on technology. Medical Journal, physician's assistant present in the offices of doctors throughout the country, and warned his readers: "tattoos were more common among motorcyclists, criminals and gang members, and persons with psychological problems ... but these associations more than the typical 20 years .. . tattoo in women four times, estimated that nearly half of the tattoos are on women.

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