For example, in late 1997, Camden County, New Jersey, revealed a comprehensive new regulations for a growing number of tattoo artists within their borders. Located to the east of the Delaware River from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the province is the proliferation of suburban communities. In February 1998, when local artist painted Patrick Levens was the first person certified under the strict regulation of new tattoos, he received a document that said 'practice (to him) as a function of a registered player tattoo art "anywhere in the province. As a sign of changing times that the provincial government chose to officially describe the tattoos on both "professional", and art "." In fact, tattooing is recognized as one of the oldest and most important art of the human race.

In Europe and North America, and even the end of the 20th, tattoos were connected to a large extent into two groups: a group of armed forces personnel and prisoners ... of the 1960s, however, changes in social status, tattoo art in Europe and North America has led to experimentation with great shapes and styles. In the past twenty years a wide range of U.S. media, documented, analyzed and commented on the dramatic changes that changed the social and cultural implications of the tattoo art since the 1960s.

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