Equipment and procedures similar to those of medical clinics - particularly in areas where tattooing is regulated by the government health agencies. Cultural center of the tattoo has evolved steadily from the anti-social activity in the 1960s with the statement of modern fashion in the 1990s.

Adopted for the first time, which boasts impressive rock stars such as the Rolling Stones in the early 1970s, the tattoo, from the late 1980s, accepted more widely than ever strata of society. Today, tattoos are routinely seen on rock stars, sports personalities and professional ski champion, fashion models, movie stars and other public figures who play an important role in determining the norms of contemporary culture and behavior. In the last fifteen years, two different categories of tattoo creation business. The first is the "tattoo" which delights in a sense outside the scope of the law in urban culture, and advertises itself with garish signs outside, and "the image, outside of the wall in the" assembly-line service, often working with less than optimal health procedures.

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