This is a generational rebellion or collective behavior? Sociological, no trends can be part of our pictures from everyday social life. According to Turner and Lewis (1987), scholars of collective behavior on fads as examples of the relatively short term behavior is usually associated with objects (hula hoops) and ideas ( 'Red scare'), behavior (lines), or people (Elvis). Fashion trends are often more durable, and the tattoo is more than just a fashion fad. This is evident through a wide range of cultures and tattoos in the periods in which it is found.

Tattoo has been documented in every culture and people have applied indelible marks on their bodies for thousands of years (Grief, Hewitt, and Armstrong, 1999) was. Despite the support of tattooing has waxed and decreased over the years now television programs with the story about the topics or get tattoo removal (Anderson, 2001), and a greeting card to take the ideas and jokes about getting a tattoo, and more states are implementing laws on the procedure. As with other cultural characteristics, and more people to tattoo studios, more open response to the company, and a larger number of people who are with tattoos, and future generations more comfortable with tattoos as a matter of routine. Could also be that people take the "references" from the commercialization of tattoos and tattooed as sporting role models and movie stars, who seem to each step in this direction in a normal life.

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