There is a big market for jewelry that is not only small shops and individuals involved, but also design studios with their own distribution channels, and jewelry specialized commercial, fashion, perfumes, accessories or successful companies in the jewelry market under the labels. Some jewelry makers strive for artists, and others see themselves as craftsmen, and the identification of other designers.Even among the latter are usually more of a distinction between those who produce a series of small (limited and / or signed editions) and those designed for mass production by the companies. In the development of jewelry designs, it is useful to reconsider the origin of the word "jewels". The German word for jewelry, jewelry related English verb "to smuggle." This indicates that the definition of the root of the term "jewelry" may have evolved gradually over time, something that can guard a treasure exhibition aims to provide support and the state of balance.

The English word is of course closely linked with "pearls" (largely in the spirit of Marilyn Monroe song "Diamonds are a girl's best friend"), although we understand that the way in jewelry today is by no means limited to the use of jewelry or even precious metals, but it contains nearly all subjects, including the perception of plastic, paper, rubber bands and cardboard. More open definition of the product, and design rules and new values for the development and jewelry on.

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